Saturday, September 25, 2010

Engineering Human thought ??

From your lectures, I learnt that CT can be helpful in understanding ourselves, our actions, beliefs and thinking, and today in 2010,'Is engineering of Human thought is possible ?', by engineering our thoughts, I mean can we have the 'known pattern' of our behavior, can we change/modify our intentions. Can we be self- controlled individual.

2. If Yes, then how do you justify the argument of theologians about the sovereignty of God, the fundamentals believe that there is someone controlling us and this entire HUGE system, this way of looking the things also forbid us to have questioning mind, because rise of individualism will reach to the point when we start to believe that 'We are completely free'.


  1. I am lost, perhaps unable to catch my random thoughts.

  2. No you are not lost. You'd be lost if you were not thinking. But you are thinking in extremes, in polarities, in black & white. Maybe that is a useful way of understanding concepts. But when you apply these to real life context, you will find that you need to show balance, realism, which requires ingenuity t say the least.

    I'm in the process of answering the general questions around religion & its seemingly inconvenient & troubling nexus with CT. Please wait a day or two for that to come out.


