Sunday, December 5, 2010

Can logic and rational thinking be applied to Euthanasia?

Euthanasia also known and mercy killing, is a painless way of terminating one’s own life. It is when a patient is suffering from severe illness or an incurable disease which involves going through a painful process of treatment yet the end result being eventual death, the patient asks for physician’s assistance for a permanent relief i.e. in simpler words asking the doctor to kill you. Some are in support of Euthanasia saying it’s a right of every individual to decide whether they want to live or not, to allow them to die with dignity and self respect, to not be a burden on their spouse and family, to be able to live for as long as they can live healthy and choose death for themselves when they cannot. Whereas some strongly oppose it and say that Euthanasia is disrespect to human life, and a challenge to God. Nobody has the right to choose when to terminate their own life; it is a gift of God, it should be accepted and cherished with even the very little you have.
People who choose to terminate their own life on the hospital bed are thinking rationally for themselves because they know all they are left with is pain and every minutes torture, when eventually there sickness will take their lives why not do it now and ask for it. Same goes for the patients attendants, if a patient is in a comma and the his/her loved ones decide to end his/her life because they know that he or she will die soon and they refuse to see that person go through so much pain. Is that a justified logical and rational decision to make in any way?

Superficial Love

Powerful words I found on the internet explaining love. Has this person made a good attempt to explain LOGICALLY and RATIONALLY what love means to her?


Portrayal of Women in Our Pakistani Media

Media is a platform which provides us with all this information and means of communication, which is all mainly through the press, radio, cinema, television, music industry, computer networks and the internet from where the information is being transmitted rapidly to the global audience allowing ideas to exchange, attitudes to form, and a new society to shape. In the past 50 years media has grown its influence exponentially through the modern technology. In the beginning there were telegraphs, then the radios, then the newspapers, magazines, television and now the internet.

We are daily dumped with loads and loads of information like happenings around the world, what’s hot and what’s not, what’s the trend these days, the latest fashions, the new cosmetics, the new malls, housing schemes opening in new towns, new locations, update on tourism all by advertising. The reason why media has greatly grown its influence and has become a major source of awareness and information amongst the general public is because of it advertising. Media is all about advertising. Whether it’s selling a pair of shoes or the best shampoo to selling an Aston Martin Vanquish or a Porsche GT2 media will advertise it. How? With women in their ads, media uses women to sell products, although more men are seen to dominate the Brand Ambassador’s post than women, yet these men in the advertises show up with many beautiful attractive women with them.

So what is the media’s portrayal of women today? Women are portrayed with high sexuality, displaying half naked bodies openly exposed on magazine cover to sell cosmetics or a fragrance. Most banners in Pakistan especially many on shara-e-faisal have women there, selling lawn, biscuits, Honda motor cycles, bubble gum, juices like nestle and local brands, mobile network packages, ufone, telenor, zong glow, warid, mobilink, tea, Lux soap, Mc Donalds happy meals, food, anything and about everything has women up there to sell their products.

Women have always been measured against the cultural ideals of beauty but nowadays media uses sexism to make ideal beauty. The over exposure of women around the world in advertizing is definitely a question of concern, but the matter is left untouched mostly. In Pakistan the situation may not be as bad, yet the portrayal of women in our own country isn’t very decent.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Mind mapping in critical thinking

Critical thinking or in other way is the map of the brainstorming. Hand map which is known as the mind map is also called the bloom and the, mind, concept and also the full flows of ideas of the “Mind Mapping.”
As it is really taking us with the creative things, as it is having the most organized and argument things and concepts.
So what a reader further understands by it??
Traditional gender roles are breaking down in Pakistan. More and more women are going out to work, even in fields that were previously considered to be male domains. Women are beginning to evolve a new confidence in their work. Even in the villages, women work side by side with men while successfully running their homes. At the same time though women who choose to stay at home are exercising their right of freedom of choice and can still play an important role by building for the future, for our children are our future.
Women in Pakistan are beginning to challenge the status quo for a brighter future. The media can play a responsible role by raising concerns about discrimination, whether on the basis of gender or disability. It will take many years to implement any real change but many women in Pakistan are struggling to pave the way for it. Networking is so important in building for the next generation. The fight against stereotypical roles is on. Female qualities need to be valued, both in the work force and in the home. Women must be allowed to integrate without losing their identity. As we step into the 21st century women hope for an egalitarian society worldwide

Study Guides and Strategies

The link below is the link to describe the steps and strategies to critically think and to write a term paper. We all recently have faced a lot of problem in writing our term papers. This web link and the step by step procedure has been quite helpful.
Critical thinking is an essential element of science. So what is pseudoscience? What is it? How can we recognize it?

Critical Thinking Puzzles

This link contains enough tough puzzles to test your mental powers for hours and hours. When we think critically we become better learners. We don't just accept facts, we explore them, uncovering connections and identifying the often hidden cause-and-effect relationships. Try this intriguing array of puzzles, challenges, funky facts, things to build, weird riddles, and other brain teasers. Some are old favorites that never fail to stump, others are totally new, but all promise hours of fun.

Critical Thinking Framework For Any Discipline!

This link identifies a 5-step framework that can be implemented in virtually any teaching or training setting to effectively move learners toward critical thinking. This interdisciplinary model, which is built upon existing theory and best practices in cognitive development, effective learning environments, and outcomes-based assessment, provides teachers with a useful framework. This framework can be used to move students toward a more active-learning environment which, ultimately, is more enjoyable and effective for teachers and students alike. An example of the model is applied in the context of accounting education, which represents a business discipline in which critical thinking has been consistently cited as both necessary and difficult to implement.

The common ground: Behavioralist Theory and Critical Thinking

we studied critical thinking yet it did not get into my mind. It was just an informative course but it became knowledge and i comprehended when i read the famous theory of International Relations " Behaviouralism Theory". The behavioralist liberalist reckons no biasness in the data they collect( human and states behavior), analyse it on the bases of epistemology and empirical knowledge. They are very skeptical of what is taken into account when it comes to human behavior. They critically dissect the information, process it through their elements of thinking and then publish it. Thus, critical thinking is not a subject only but i would concur it as a skill that polishes our thoughts and put them into places and order.

critical thinking in social science

social science is a very dimensional field in itself.  Since its not pure science it stands on both normative as well as empirical beliefs. I would regard it as a field that grows everyday and every new discovery adds onto the previous knowledge. There is nothing concrete and truth is relevant. That leaves on us to decide what to take and what to ignore. Therefore, a social scientist has the basic right of freedom to think and express ideas. One needs to form opinions and judgement through sound knowledge and understanding of critical thinking. One can discard prevailing thoughts that are taught by the society and what clicks mind. So it is important to have the capability to think critically about issues, theories and beliefs.
 Jim Manzi reckons it as :
“The experimental revolution is like a huge wave that has lost power as it has moved through topics of increasing complexity"
The link below gives a detail account on 5 W and H. It elaborates why critical thinking must be taught in social science and studies.

Can people in love think critically?

I have always wondered whether or not it is possible for people in love to think critically and analyze and make decisions according to that thinking. They say love is an extremely powerful feeling, one that influences our hearts as well as minds. Through out time and still today people make rash, immature and irrational decisions and to defend and justify their actions they say 'love' made them do it. And they naturally become bias towards the one the love.
Can there be a person who loves someone but is also logical and rational? Can he/she make decisions and judgements without be slightly biased?

critical thinking essay

sexual abuse happens to girls only?think critically
Indeed truth it is to say that female may be emotionally strong but physically weak. Thus, women is physically weak, need constant protection by men against bad guys. However, girls no matter how bold and nonchalant they are all weak at one point. And the ambiguous truth it would be if we say that sexual abuse only happens to girls. It culminates that respect belongs to girls only. Thus, it grossly undermines the fact that respect is not bound to a particular gender. If we put a reality check we come across millions of rape cases, undoubtedly a gigantic number of preys would be females of all age. Neither can we ignore that there are men who have suffered from sexual abuse. To say that sexual abuse only happens to girls is like observing half glass empty. It we need to know the truth we must dive in depth. Its rather stereotyping the entire issue that’s girls are marred by abused sexually and harassed.
Sexual abuse happens to guys too.  Let’s quote a case of a 19 year old boy named David, who suffered the trauma of being abused. John, David’s father’s good friend used to take out time for David and take him to zoo and other places, eventually he started abusing David when he was just 9. David thought he was the first guy on earth who was being sexually abused so remained silent. John raped David. Mike Parson, internally recognized director of Juvenile intervention program asserts that a very large number of boys get raped and abused each year and usually this issue goes unnoticed because boys are less likely to tell people about their assault. They are abused by older men and women .
Juvenile Intervention program has helped not only David to come out of the trauma but others too. In David’s case, he told his father about John after 3 years. It took 3 years to collect his courage and when rage could not be suppressed.
Thus, there are many boys around the world who are abused physically. They either take out their rage by doing the same thing to younger boys and girls.

Why think critically?

Why are some people better than others at solving problems and making decisions? The answer seems obvious:Some people are smarter than others. But being smart isn’t enough. People who follow broad rules like “We can’t ignore anything” are playing it too safe. We should ignore some things because they are improbable. It is unreasonable to do a bomb search on the advice of a psychic tip because there is no evidence that psychic tips are any more reliable than flipping a coin or throwing darts at a board. What if the psychic said that her parrot told her—telepathically—that there was a bomb on the plane? Would you do a search on such evidence? If you would,you are not thinking very critically. Had you detained the psychic, you might have interrogated her while having her investigated. Has she made these kinds of claims before? What about her claim to have solved crimes using only her psychic powers? Do you think that Larry King or Montel Williams had her claims investigated?

Why are some people better than others at supporting their beliefs and actions with good reasons? Again, the answer seems obvious: Some people have more knowledge or are more eloquent than others. Still, two equally intelligent people can be equally articulate and knowledgeable, but not be equally good thinkers. If only one of
them is thinking critically, that one will be better at analyzing and evaluating facts and opinions, sources and claims, options and alternatives. The critical thinker will be a better problem-solver and better decision-maker.
When we’re thinking critically, we’re using our knowledge and intelligence effectively to arrive at the most reasonable and justifiable position possible. When we’re thinking uncritically--no matter how intelligent or knowledgeable we are--we’ll make unreasonable decisions and arrive at unreasonable beliefs or take unjustifiable actions, unless we are lucky and end up making the right choice for the wrong reasons!

Perception Deception

A very interesting understanding..

How could shadows go in different directions? Isn't this proof that the lighting is artificial and that the picture is a hoax? No, and people who say such things would know better if they had a basic understanding of perspective.

Go to the park on a sunny day late in the afternoon when the shadows will be long and look at the shadows from the trees, light poles, and other tall objects. Move around and look at them from different perspectives. What you will find is that the only time the shadows are parallel to one another is when you line yourself up with the light source (the sun) and the objects you are looking at. Otherwise, the angles of the shadows will fall in a variety of ways.

Perception is a complex process by which the brain constructs visual, auditory, etc. perceptions that may or may not have anything to do with what is actually out there in the world beyond the superficies of our bodies. As psychologist Jim Alcock notes: “Our brains are also capable of generating wonderful and fantastic perceptual experiences for which we are rarely prepared. Out-of-body experiences (OBEs), hallucinations, near-death experiences (NDEs), peak experiences….” Not being prepared, we may believe that the profound effect they have on us requires some sort of extraordinary explanation involving transcendent reality. But often what we think is going on outside the body is actually going on inside the brain.

Introduction to Logic

Today, it is widely assumed that there is no structure of thinking that is worth studying. And perhaps that explains why serious thinking is so rare. It is nothing short of astonishing that most people go all the way through school with no exposure to logic at all.

It was not always this way. Logic used to be a key component liberal education: it was part of the classic “trivium”. The School of Salamanca used scholastic logic to give birth to economic theory. Even after scholasticism was unfairly discredited, logic was still widely studied by schoolboys throughout the west. The Austrian School used logic to rigorize and advance economic science. However, the rise of positivism rang the death knell for the widespread study of logic.

If one starts with true premises, and reasons correctly, the conclusion will be true also.

Think outside the box


1. Be open-minded. It is so easy to have preconceived notions on a subject, but fight the urge and listen to the statement or problem presented to you. Don't draw to quick conclusions even if they seem apparent. Think of it as trying to solve a mystery on TV. The apparent answer is rarely the right one. Arriving at the answer involves gathering facts and throwing out biases.

2. Think outside the box. I'm sure you have heard this phrase but it's the critical thinker's motto. Think differently than everyone else. It's easier said than done but a trick I use is not reading or listening to others ideas until I have drawn my own conclusions. It's so easy to be drawn into one way of thinking when hearing another's ideas so do your best to refrain until you believe you have solved the problem. Another trick I find helpful is to try and think like a child. I know this sounds silly, but it's amazing how young children can solve riddles before adults can. They think on a completely different level and rarely over-think things as most adults do. It all takes practice.

3. Research statements. I cannot say enough on this subject. Erroneous statements are made every day and non-critical thinkers take them and run. They do not bother to check the facts for accuracy; it's much easier not to. They will eventually look like fools when the garbage they have been repeating is proven false and any credibility they had will be gone. Credibility is everything. Check your facts before you repeat them and you will gain credibility and the respect of others.

Read more: How to Become a Critical Thinker and Think Outside the Box |
The critical habit of thought, if usual in society, will pervade all its mores, because it is a way of taking up the problems of life. Men educated in it cannot be stampeded by stump orators ... They are slow to believe. They can hold things as possible or probable in all degrees, without certainty and without pain. They can wait for evidence and weigh evidence, uninfluenced by the emphasis or confidence with which assertions are made on one side or the other. They can resist appeals to their dearest prejudices and all kinds of cajolery. Education in the critical faculty is the only education of which it can be truly said that it makes good citizens.

~ William Graham Sumner, Folkways, 1906

[Critical thinking is a] desire to seek, patience to doubt, fondness to meditate, slowness to assert, readiness to consider, carefulness to dispose and set in order; and hatred for every kind of imposture.

~ Francis Bacon (1605)

The art of critical thinking!
this blog link given above tells us about how important it is to maximize the quality of our thinking, and that a person must learn how to become an effective "critic" of his/her thinking, and in order to become an effective critic of their thinking, a person should have to make learning about thinking a priority!!

purple problem

Consider this real problem: A man went to see his doctor because his face was turning purple. The doctor examined his patient, and gave him all sorts of tests. Everything came back normal. What caused this man's face to turn purple? The doctor couldn't determine it. "What are you thinking?"
Pay attention to what you are thinking as you attempt to solve this problem. Do you have a particular frame of reference? Are you assuming anything?. Is there a particular pattern of thinking that you are using?

If you solve it, email it to me.

After reading the words ‘purple face’ I automatically thought about myself. I have blood-injection-injury phobia so whenever I see blood or a needle or an injection I feel extremely dizzy, nauseous and sometimes I even faint. My family and friends tell me that during that time my face turns really purple.
Another frame of reference that I had related to this would be a movie I once saw where a guy’s face turns purple because he’s been drinking too much and his friends can’t figure out why. But when he pukes his face starts coming back to its original color.
Another thing that also came into mind was an assumption that when a person has high blood pressure, and when their heart is racing fast, it causes their face to turn purple.
I guess my pattern of thinking started with my personal experience and then I started thinking about other times when I’ve seen or heard about a ‘purple face’ problem. 

Substantive and Non-Substantive Concepts of Education by a Critical Thinker

By a substantive concept of education we mean one that highlights the
essential components of education, consequently one that has clear
implications for how we should understand “the educated person” and
how we should design the educational process. Many popular concepts of
education are non-substantive in that they are vague and fragmented, and
therefore superficial and misleading. They do not highlight the common
dimensions of the various disciplines. They do not illuminate essential
intellectual standards. They do not define essential intellectual traits (the
personal characteristics that, when acquired, direct the right use of the mind).
Instead, they lead to instruction that mainly trains, indoctrinates, or socializes
rather than educates the individual. They produce “counterfeits” of educated
persons because they ignore essential abilities, standards, and traits in the
instructional process.

Famine: is it really a shortage of food supplies?

Normally we all tend to accept what is given to us as to what famine really is. Mostly people believe that a famine is caused by the shortage in food supplies, but according to an economist, Amartya Sen, a famine in many cases was not caused by a shortage in food supply. She gave an example of Bengal where food production was down on the previous year while it was higher than in previous non-famine years. So Sen points to a number of social and economic factors, such as declining wages, unemployment, rising food prices, and food distribution systems. These issues resulted in starvation among certain groups in society in Bengal.
So critical thinking helps us, look at an issue in depth, and not just accept things as they are provided to us. It enables us to judge and then possibly criticize the information that is provided to us and make ourselves better informed about a particular issue so that we can know the actual reason behind the false information provided  to us initially. Then we can get to the consequences and implications of the issue with the information we find out for ourselves.


After reading the article on critical thinking and finally understanding what it meant, I realized that that is exactly what a country like Pakistan needs and lacks- critical thinkers! I don’t think I have ever really come across a person who thinks critically. Sure we all claim to be logical and ‘open minded’ but there is always a part of us that thinks only according to the definitions and norms conditioned in us since birth. Robert Ennis’s classic definition is ‘critical thinking is reasonable, reflective thinking that is focused on deciding what to believe or do.” Maybe some people in Pakistan do critically think but there is always some area of their lives where rationality and logic do not apply. Be it with their religion, their culture, ethnicity or family/children.
 I think every leader should be a critical thinker. He/she should work in the present and plan for the future. They should evaluate, analyze, interpret everything from all directions, taking into account everyone’s view point and then making a rational, logical and reasonable decision, keeping in mind the pros and cons of it and without being judgmental or biased. But the leaders of Pakistan are almost the opposite. First of all they never respect each other’s points of view. Each of them is of some party or another who do not get along and never try to appreciate or even consider another’s point of view or idea. They all support their own ethnicity and encourage ethnocentrism to the full. These are the reasons why nowadays there are so many differences and bitterness between the all the ethnic groups and provinces. Things are so bad that they kill each other’s leaders or people and cause havoc in the cities. Where did this hatred come from? It came from our leaders’ inability to think critically and think of the consequences of supporting and favoring one group over another and creating differences between them. Even our very own president openly demonstrates his love for Sindhi’s because he knows he will get votes and support. He has even worn the Sindhi traditional dress of the “ajrak” and “topi” internationally! Fine he loves his culture, we can respect that but at the end of the day he is the president of Pakistan, not the president of Sind. He should know that every step he takes can have consequences, good or bad.
When it comes to religion, people automatically start thinking with their emotions. Religion is an extremely sensitive and touchy topic here. People fight over it, die for it, kill for it and forget all reasoning because of it. I’m not saying religion is illogical but people tend to put their emotions first when anything is related to their faith and beliefs and they refuse to think that another point of view or opinion apart from their is right. A recent example would be the thing with the Nepal mosque and people instantly believing the video is true and calling it a miracle of Islam. Now I’m not saying it’s not true. I myself believe that Allah can do anything; I can never bring myself to question Him. But I won’t believe that that video is true unless they prove it. The same thing happened a year ago with the Russian baby boy who had verses of the Quran written all over his boy. Everyone thought it was a miracle and thousands of people started going to his house as if it were a shrine. In the end it turned out that the poor one year old kid had a skin disease that if you make any mark on his skin with even your finger, the mark would stay there for a few days. His own father used to write verses of the Quran on his skin and tell the people they appear on their own, despite the fact that his son go really sick every time he did it.
So basically yes we Pakistani’s are in great need of critical thinking. Also especially since we are prone to sudden emergencies and chaotic situations like riots, target killing, terrorist attacks etc, we need to improve our critical thinking skills in order to make better decisions and judgments.

Over-view of Critical Thinking!!

As far as I have known critical thinking, critical thinking is all about making advanced thinking than normal thinking. Moreover, critical thinking is bringing advanced, descriptive, analytical and effective thinking in a particular issue or cause. In a general view, critical thinking is about providing analytical or critical information towards a particular issue. Being analytical is about breaking things (practices, situations, statements, problems, arguments, ideas, theories, etc.) into their feature or primitive parts.
Being critical is not about accepting the reality as it is shown but proving that reality to be correct and then placing your judgments over it, making evaluations about them; making reasoned judgments about how accurate, factual, realistic, pertinent, operative, advantageous they ought to be.
Being a critical thinker must involve the following attributes:
§  Being open minded: a person should have open views and one must have to be aware of personal biases in yourself and others  
§  Evaluating
§  Reflective
§  Identifying opinions, facts, purpose, missing information, in consistency, irrelevant information, etc.
§  Reasoning: thinking logically, using valid and reliable evidences, being objective and developing a reasoned line of arguments.  
§  Asking Questions: in order to think critically, one must have an attribute of asking questions in order to gain knowledge of everything related to the concept.
Critical thinking refers to a process of judgment taken after an analytical evaluation of a problem. It can be developed through the practice of intentional analyzing of every situation in life. Critical thinking skills can be developed by inculcating a habit of analytical and strategic thinking. If you can get yourself into the habit of analyzing every situation critically, you will gradually acquire critical thinking skills.       
Critical thinking is not only about thinking analytically but also about thinking differently. It is about coming up with a variety of ways to solve a problem. Critical analysis not only dissects a problem, but also helps finds a way to go the root of the matter. It is always important to understand the problem in order to overcome it.


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iMindMap Mobile HD
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For me, critical thinking is making ideas more
accessible, more grounded and connected to the facts, and using the
eight elements ensuring that the proofs sufficiently substantiate the
argument. It encourages me to not accept any idea at face value
without first inspecting the given evidence. for example critical
thinkers believe if everyone thought critically we could erase all the
global problems. I ask you, is that thinking critically?


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Export Options

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What Others Say

At last there is a truly intuitive Mind Mapping app for the iPhone. Now you can create beautiful Mind Maps with just your fingers. This is completely different from the other Mind Mapping apps where the software determines the way your Mind Map looks. iMindmap Mobile enables you to produce BUZAN proof Mind Maps on the small screen of your iPhone."
Hypershifters Blog
Not only does this look and feel like the desktop iMindMap, it looks and feels like a good iPhone application as well."
I have other Mind Mapping type apps which were adequate but iMindMap is in a different league! It is easy to use and combines some of the best features of the iPhone with those of the iMindMap software. An excellent combination"

For me, critical thinking is making ideas more
accessible, more grounded and connected to the facts, and using the
eight elements ensuring that the proofs sufficiently substantiate the
argument. It encourages me to not accept any idea at face value
without first inspecting the given evidence. for example critical
thinkers believe if everyone thought critically we could erase all the
global problems. I ask you, is that thinking critically?
For me, critical thinking is making ideas more
accessible, more grounded and connected to the facts, and using the
eight elements ensuring that the proofs sufficiently substantiate the
argument. It encourages me to not accept any idea at face value
without first inspecting the given evidence. for example critical
thinkers believe if everyone thought critically we could erase all the
global problems. I ask you, is that thinking critically?
Critical thinking is a unique way of analyzing any given data. It is
stepping back from the moment, from what we take for granted, our
emotions and impromptu responses and seeing the world from a measured,
leveled plain. It is the breakdown of our everyday thought to make
room for a more logical, more finessed ideology. Not to make it sound
so inaccessible though. We resort to critical thinking for something
as simple as choosing a certain course of action to something more
mind baffling like when we find our ideals and beliefs under attack or
doubt. It forces us to reevaluate any belief we hold dear for no
apparent or logical reason apart from conditioning, a belief that was
always 'just there'

Chris Griffiths, a student of Tony Buzan.

Chris Griffiths is the CEO of ThinkBuzan and the driver behind the globally popular iMindMap brand of products. Tony Buzan appointed Chris as the CEO, custodian and leader of his entire life's work, entrusting Chris with the responsibility of expanding, developing and revolutionising this whole new era of new thinking.

"For nearly a decade Chris has been my long-term pupil and I now consider Chris the world’s leading expert in combining Mind Mapping with real-world business applications.”
-Tony Buzan

Most recently, this powerful duo have collaborated on a book, ‘Mind Maps for Business’, which entered the Top 5 of the Amazon Business Chart, where Chris Griffiths’ input in particular was praised for its pragmatic entrepreneurial appeal. The pair recently formulated a unique and innovative new speaking event which combines both of their exceptional skills and experience to create the ground-breaking and synergetic ThinkBuzan System. The System had its official launch in the prestigious Con Edison Building in New York, and most recently Khartoum, which was delivered by both Tony and Chris leaving the audience motivated and memorised.

Organisations are proclaiming the need to "work smarter" - Chris Griffiths provides a road map of how to do that by combining outstanding thinking skills with advanced technology.”

Bob Urichuck, Author of ‘Disciplined For Life’ and ‘You Are the Author of Your Future’

Personally, Chris has achieved a number of astonishing feats, including being invited personally by King Abdullah II of Jordan to the Petra Nobel conference, where he facilitated brainstorming sessions with over 30 Nobel Prize winners. Under Tony’s direct mentorship, Chris has become the world expert in computer Mind Mapping and the rightful driver of the success of ThinkBuzan.

In the business world, Chris has been described as “one of the great talents which will bloom in the years ahead.” A prodigious talent from an early age, he has amassed over twenty years experience in leading successful technology based businesses, founding his first business at the age of 16 and selling his first company at the age of 25.

Chris is a leading light in the innovation industry and an expert on combining modern brain based thinking strategies, processes and techniques with technology to produce synergistic results. With expertise in both technology and the concept of Mind Mapping and how to apply it to create better processes, Chris is the ideal speaker for organisations and groups who are at the forefront of innovative thinking.

What I like about the way Chris works is that he has a great understanding of how computers work but also how the human mind works - learning how to learn. It is finding this common ground between the two that works so beautifully so I look forward with eagerness to the next chapter...”
Dominic O'Brien, 8 Times World Memory Champion
Companies which Chris has founded have been ranked in the 'Deloitte Fast 50' and 'The Sunday Times / London Stock Exchange Fasttrack 100', and he has also won awards for innovation and creativity. He has lectured to audiences throughout Europe, the Middle East, Far East, Africa and US, on entrepreneurship, the brain, learning and the impact of technology on human thinking.
Mind Maps for Business
"Chris and his work have changed his life, my life, and already millions of lives for the better worldwide. His work is in the process of doing the same for YOU.”
Tony Buzan, Inventor of Mind Mapping
Chris Griffiths is also the co-author of ‘Mind Maps for Business’, written with Tony Buzan; a recent release which has quickly become a bestseller and a critical success, with one reviewer describing the book as “refreshingly new, relevant and well-researched”. Rocketing into the Top 5 of the Amazon UK Business Chart, ‘Mind Maps for Business’ is a pragmatic guide to implementing Mind Maps to secure success.
With Chris’ invaluable insight, knowledge and experience, I chose him to co-author one of my most important book in recent years, Mind Maps for Business.”
Tony Buzan
Furthermore, Tony Buzan has hailed Chris’ “honesty and industry”, as well as his unswerving ability to “build successful businesses and teams”. Chris Griffiths presentational style is engaging and inspirational, built on his business savvy as well as his enthusiasm for motivating people. Following his instincts, with an unwavering personal belief, Chris is living proof of the power of innovation, dedication and perseverance. One recent audience member described Chris as a speaker as “great, with a wealth of knowledge... interesting to see how ThinkBuzan grows under Chris’ tutelage”, another commented that Chris was ”engaging and impressive”.
Chris Griffiths left us wanting more!”
Ellen Christine Bouwer
Chris Griffiths is the perfect speaker for any corporate occasion, and has learnt directly from Tony Buzan not only the power of Mind Mapping, but also the ability to captivate any audience.