Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Negativity in Critical Thinking

'Cheaters are Thinkers' -  Sohail Zindani

My question is that why can't Critical Thinking be negative?

Historical characters from Shakespearean classics like 'Cassius' and 'Iago', in my opinion were at their highest level of Critical Thinking, both of them being evil.


  1. dont you think THINKING and CRITICALLY THINKING are two different things?

  2. I believe thinking,involves both positive and negative elements, perhaps I think for many people critical thinking, is negative thinking!We can analyze different things decisively or indecisively!

  3. I agree with Neha, I think it's the way you perceive things. For some critical thinking can be positive as it might give a new meaning to their life and thought. However, for some it can be negative too since it might make them question their beliefs and lead them away for their goals and make them do or belief something completely different which might not true out to be as good as expected!

  4. I think critical thinking can be negative because something being negative or positive is a normative judgement and thus may differ from person to person. what may be negative for you may be positive for me. so i think it can be negative. whether it "should" be negative or not? that, i think, is a normative question and thus would not have "one right" answer!

  5. so they put their critical thinking to use for their own interest, it probably was negative to other people, but beneficial to them. and who can really say cheating or such things are wrong. though the only thing that comes to my mind when talking about negativity in critical thinking is when you over analyze a lot of things which in return gives a bad outcome, for example torturing yourself by questioning something that is bothering you which is not even worth thinking about, try to understand it when you cant do anything about it, trying to think what couldve been done alternatively. in that case then critical thinking becomes use less.

  6. Critical Thinking is not the natural way of thinking, it is the organized thinking which is taught by specialists, It cant be negative because that is its prerequisite, if it is negative then you wont call it critical thinking anymore, being critical means you have to be fair minded in your analysis, I am unable to grasp this idea though but this what we have been taught in sessions at least theoretically.

  7. I can't agree with you Sarmad. Read Shakespeare..

  8. Sarmaddd, you know what, its really good to be all 'optimistic' about the world. I am so like that.

    But i really do know that there are a lot many evils around than the 'la-la' world that i live in.

    Definitely, Critical thinking could be NEGATIVE.
    You could be fair minded yet still be negative. How could you say that negative is not critical thinking? Do people realize that their organized and constructed critical thinking is negative? I could say that your comment was NEGATIVE but for you, you have been a critical thinker. So for me you are not A critical thinker cause you seemed negative.

    Hifzaa (:

  9. hahahaha ....'La-la' world always exists. :P
