Friday, October 29, 2010

Self Interest and Critical Thinking

By definition, a Critical Thinker is a rational, positive thinker with an essential quality of fair-mindedness. So is it that He/She is always right/fair in their judgments or are they even affected by Self Interest?


  1. Well, Critical thinking is all about being 'fair-minded' 'just' and everything. While also, for being a critical thinker one needs to be balanced minded in their thoughts and ideas regarding their surroundings.
    In that regard i would say that yes a critical thinker could be a bit affected by self-interest as he looks into all dimensions and facets coming into his bubble but at the same this is the crucial aspect where our critical thinking skills should come in to play to deeply analyze whether our thoughts are affected by self-interest or not and if they are then we need to work on that.

    -Hifza Shah

  2. Critical thinker is fair minded and hears the perspectives of others and then carries evaluation of all perspectives for decision making but at the
    end stage of the process of decision making a critical thinker is a person who makes sure that his objective of critical thinking which is to fulfil his self interest so self interest affects critical thinking

  3. probably yes waleed but then our judgement are Dependant on our perceptions again

  4. I believe that yes judgements are affected by self-interest because critical thinking varies according to the motivation underlying it. When grounded in selfish motives, it is often manifested in the skillful manipulation of ideas in service of one’’s own, or one's groups’’, vested interest.

  5. To be fair-minded one must be vigilant (consciousness plus intention) of the need to treat all viewpoints alike. This demands that we adhere to intellectual standards such as accuracy and sound reasoning, "which are unaffected by self-interest". so i believe if one is being being affected by self interest then he doesn't qualify to be a critical thinker. as miqdad rightly said that in that case our judgments would be based on perceptions!

  6. it can be true that critical thinking leads to a rational outcome but it also leads to conflicts with your own self interests or desires.
